Another sad farewell: Michelangelo Antonioni (1912 - 2007)

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In the same day we receive the sad news of Ingmar Bergman's death, another legend of cinema passed away: Michaelangelo Antonioni. A figure of enormous importance in the history of Italian cinema, Antonioni will always be remembered for immortal classics such as "L'avventura" ("The Adventure"), "La notte" ("The Night") and "Blow-Up". Aged 94, BBC reports that Antonioni died peacefully, which probably is a good thing and we can only be thankful for his long and productive life. I must confess I'm not as familiar with Antonioni's work as I'd like to, but his death, together with Bergman's, certainly leave a void that will be hard to fill for the future generations of filmmakers. In less than 24 hours two giants of filmmaking. A sad day for cinema indeed.

Riposa in pace.

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