"Antique" Invited to Berlin Int�l Film Festival

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Korean film
Antique� about four guys running a bakery has been invited to the non-competition category of the Berlin Int�l Film Festival. The world-renowned festival is scheduled to be held in Germany from February 5th to 15th.

�Antique� will be presented at the festival�s Culinary Cinema section. First established in 2007, the non-competitive Culinary Cinema section shows films about food and environment. In previous years such noted culinary-themed films as �Sideways� by Alexander Payne, �Fast Food Nation� by Richard Linklater, and �Ratatouille� by Brad Bird were featured at the reputed festival. �Antique� director, Min Kyu-dong, plans to take part in the film�s official showing during the festival.

Based on a Japanese comic book of the same title, visually pleasing �Antique� starred model-turned-actor Joo Ji-hoon, Kim Jae-wook and Yu A-in, and has drawn more than 1.2 million moviegoers during its run late last year.

source:KBS World

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