Film Council Selects 'Mother' for Academy Award Submission

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The film "Mother" by Bong Joon-ho will be submitted for consideration for next year's Academy Awards. The Korean Film Council on Monday announced the selection to compete for the Best Foreign Language Film in the 82nd Academy Awards in 2010.

Six films were initially chosen as candidates. The others were "A Frozen Flower" by Yoo Ha, "Thirst" by Park Chan-wook, "Breathless" by Yang Ik-june, "Old Partner" by Lee Chung-ryoul, and "Lifting King Kong" by Park Geon-yong.

The KFC said, "The final decision came down to choosing between 'Mother' and 'Breathless,' and based on the artistry of the film, the influence of the distributor, the reputation of the director and the level of recognition of the film, we chose 'Mother' in the end."


source: : Chosun


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