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t's a sad life being an outdated media format like the vinyl record. Once you were hi-tech and new with amazing sound... now everyone shuns you in favor of soulless shiny metallic discs. Is that the treatment a true audio pioneer deserves?

Don't let your vinyl die a slow and lonely death moldering in your basement for years. Liberate it digitally with the Ion USB Turntable. Simply plug this high-quality turntable into the USB port on your PC (Windows or Mac) and use the included Audacity software to rip your vinyl directly to MP3 (or WAV format) for playback on all your newfangled devices like the iPod. You can even use the Audacity software to give your vinyl a digital facelift by removing unsightly clicks and pops.

Now your vinyl can fade away happily knowing its brain has been transplanted digitally into the future. If only it were so easy for all of us.

Product Features & Specifications

  • Professional quality turntable connects to your PC via USB
  • Classic styling with included smoked plastic dust cover
  • Rip your vinyl directly to MP3 or WAV format
  • Easily move your recordings to iPod or burn them to CD (Free iTunes software download required)
  • Ships with Audacity software (compatible with PC and Mac) for removing clicks, pops, and other undesirable characteristics of vinyl
  • Audacity supports high-speed recording, then returns music to original playback speed
  • Audacity software includes ability to export to WAV and MP3
  • 33.33 and 45 RPM playback speeds
  • Supports the recording of 78 RPM records through the included software
  • RCA line outputs with built-in pre-amp allow direct connection to your existing audio system.
  • Plug and Play USB compatibility with both Windows (XP, 2000, Vista) and Mac OS X
  • Packaged with all necessary cables to interconnect with both a computer and stereo playback system
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