My Sassy Girl [ Korean Movie 2001 ]

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Genre : Romantic comedy

Starring : Cha Tae-hyun, Jeon Ji-hyeon
Release date : July 27, 2001

Runtime :122 min.

Directed by : Kwak Jae-yong


My Sassy Girl tells the amusing love story between an inexperienced student (Cha Tae-Hyun) and a quirky college girl (Jeon Ji-Hyun). He finds her collapsed on a late night subway car, drunk to the point of throwing up on an unfortunate passenger. Left without a choice, he takes her to the nearest inn, waiting for her to come to her senses. This is how their dates begin, with him falling in love with a girl that's hurting because of a previous love that's ended. Loving her, however, doesn't come easy. She shoves him into a pond, wanting to see how deep the water is. When her feet hurt, she steals his comfortable tennis shoes, leaving him to wear her pointy heels.


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