Paju lead wins best actor at Las Palmas

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Korean actor LEE Seon-gyun
picked up the best male actor award at the Las Palmas de Gran Canaria International Film Festival for his lead role in PARK Chan-ok�s Paju. The Spanish fest, which celebrates creative contemporary independent cinema, held its 11th edition March 12 � 20.

For actor LEE, the award is the first international recognition he has received, while the film continues to garner praise and prizes at film festivals around the globe. Paju picked up the NETPAC prize upon its premiere at Pusan Int�l Film Festival, opened the Int�l Film Festival Rotterdam and won a special Jury Prize at the Deauville Asian Film Festival in France.

LEE portrays an anguished man caught in a web of emotional ambiguities caused by the love he feels for his wife�s younger sister (played brilliantly by actress Seo Woo). The second feature by acclaimed female director PARK Chan-ok, Paju goes on to compete at the Tribeca Film Festival this month.

credit : Nigel D�Sa (KOFIC)

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