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PLAYERS: You know that amazing feeling you get when you roll a crit? The sight of the "20" on your die blasts straight up into the pleasure center of your brain and you feel like a million astral diamonds. (Except when you roll a crit for initiative. That's just lame. Especially if you're the cleric.) Then you get to roll an obscene amount of dice and tally up the damage to that formerly badass mindflayer and narrate how your blade sliced right through his ugly purple head. Imagine all of that, but your d20 flashes red to let everyone at the table know just how awesome you are. Show off your amazing luck every time your d20 glows.

GMs: For starters, we'll let you know that we did our very best to ensure the Critical Hit LED d20 Die is weighted as evenly as possible considering the electronics inside. We did this because we're gamers and we really wanted to use them in our Thursday D&D game. Of course, you are the boss, so it's up to you whether to allow it at your table. We will say that with the appropriate mood lighting in your gaming room, the Critical Hit LED d20 Die will gently illuminate your face with an evil red glow when you roll a crit behind the screen. Since every GM has a wee bit of sadist inside, we knew you'd love that.

Product Features

  • Twenty-sided die flashes red when you roll a 20
  • Not a cheater die! Weighted evenly so you have to earn those 20s
  • Players: It is up to your GM whether you can use it in your game
  • GMs: The red glow makes you look even more evil behind the screen
  • Dimensions: approximately 1.5" in diameter
  • Batteries included

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