Hearstrings Ost Part 4 M Signal I Don't Know (Lyrics English Translate)

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Hearstrings Ost Part 4 M Signal I Don't Know

Title: You've Fallen for Me OST Part.4
I Don't Know
Artist: M Signal
Genre: OST
Language: Korean

???? - M Signal (I Don't Know - M Signal) Ending song of ep 5 & 6

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???? - M Signal (I Don't Know - M Signal) Ending song of ep 5 & 6

If you cry, I will also cry
If you laugh, I will also laugh
Just like a child
I only know how to learn from you
I'm really a fool
Even if I call out your name
You can't hear it
Even if I say I only have you,
You don't know it
My blind love, my heartbreaking love

Because I love you, please look at me
Because I only love you, please stay by my side.
If you're willing to take the 1st step
I'll be there, waiting for you.
I just want you to say, "I'm sorry"

Because I can't, I can't be without you.
This enduring love, I love only you
Today, a million times, I called out to you.
I know you can't hear me,
But I keep calling out to you.

Because I love you, please look at me
Because I only love you, please stay by my side
If you're willing to take the 1st step,
I'll be there, waiting for you

credit : soompi

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