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Welcome december ^^
Masuk bulan desember, bulannya dubu. 14 day ONEW challenge ! Cuma sekedar project pribadi buat memperingati harinya dubu, 14 desember. Berharap, walaupun dubu makin tua semoga sangtae nya semakin "sesuatu". I LOVE DUBU EVERAFTER.
Sebenernya bulan kemarin punya birthday project Onew plus Minho, barengan teh aynun-istri minho, 100 fanfic challenge, tapi project kandas di tengah jalan! Teh aynun beralasan kalo "Lok, seenggaknya fanficnya harus selesai tanggal 9. Saya sibuk." :p Padahal saya udah maksa sebisa mungkin.. ^^ Ya sudah, saya jalan sendiri dengan challenge ini. Moga engga kandas di tengah jalan juga ya.
(14 day ONEW challenge : Day 1) Onew's Smile
**Onew's smile, worth. 1,000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 dollar! Cukup menjelaskan seberapa berharganya senyum sama ketawanya onew.
**Onew has the most sincere smile.
Kalau onew ketawa atau senyum, ibarat kita nyeritain lelucon pertama di dunia ke onew. Silly! That's my onew..
**Onew laughs is everything
Salah satu shawol pernah bilang, "I think Onew has the most beautiful, the most handsome, the most sincere smile in this whole world. He�s always smiling, no matter if it�s ok or not. Some times i want to give him some slap and tell him� it�s Ok you can be yourself infront of SHAWOL we never judge you because we love you.� But i�m an hypocrite cuz i want to see him smiling like this forever and ever. He�s the best with his Onew condition. We know it, right?" Semua MVP ngerasain hal yang sama, baby.. ^^