How I Imagine Various British Filmmakers Made Their Pitch for the Opening Ceremony of the London Olympics

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The British Olympic Committee interviews possible candidates.

Steve McQueen

British Olympic Committee (BOC): So, Mr. McQueen, we�re looking to rival Zhang Yimou�s extravaganza at the Beijing Olympics with something that really celebrates British culture and British contributions to humanity.  What have you got for us?

Steve McQueen (SM): Alright, here�s my idea: Michael Fassbender stumbles onto the field, completely nude, caked in a layer of his own feces, and tearing at his flesh with his nails and teeth, so that there�s blood everywhere.

BOC: Uh, why would he be doing that?

SM: Because he�s suffering from extreme heroin withdrawal.  He thinks he has spiders crawling beneath his skin.  Fucking spiders, man!

BOC: And, uh, what does that have to do with British culture or, uh, the Olympic spirit?

SM: Nothing.  It has nothing at all to do with all that middle-class middlebrow bullshit and everything to do with plumbing the abyss into which a human soul is capable of plunging.  I call my show De Profundis, that�s From the Depths, in reference to the homosexual Oscar Wilde who was destroyed by the forces of the British establishment.

BOC: Mhm�

SM: Oh, also, I want to change the mascots.  What are those two little one-eyed things you�ve got now?

BOC: Mandeville and Wenlock?

SM: Yeah, I want to replace them with an anthropomorphic piece of shit and Michael Fassbender�s scarified penis.

BOC: Jesus Christ, why scarified?

SM: Because he�s been using it to inject heroin.  It was one of his few remaining delivery sights.

BOC: Ok. [pause] Thank you, Mr. McQueen, we�ll be in touch.

Ken Loach

BOC: Mr. Loach, you are one of our greatest living directors.  What do you have for us?

Ken Loach (KL): Well, I want to set up a coal mining community at the center of the stadium.

BOC: Ok�

KL: And present the story of a young miner with an amazing athletic gift!  He�s the best sprinter his industrial hellscape of a town has ever seen.  And his greatest dream in life is to one day rise above his humble beginnings and compete at the Olympics!

BOC: Ok, that sounds inspirational and it sounds like a good embodiment of the Olympic spirit!

KL: But then tragedy strikes! He gets black lung!

BOC: He gets black lung?

KL: He works in one of these shitty, Thatcherite mines, what did you think would happen, he wouldn�tget black lung? So he gets black lung.  And it�s like fucking emphysema.  So he can�t run anymore.

BOC: He can�t?

KL: Nope, his dreams are crushed.  And so he just stays in the mining community, and keeps going down into the mines, until one day there�s a mining explosion and his legs are blown off.  And then he lingers for a few years before finally dying in a haze of despair, numbed only by his rampant alcoholism.

BOC: And� and you want to put this in the stadium?

KL: Yeah.  So the whole world can see what life in modern Britain is really like!

BOC: Ok, thank you, Mr. Loach, we�ll be in touch.

Mike Leigh

BOC: Ok, Mr. Leigh, we�ve seen your movie Happy-Go-Lucky, and we think perhaps you could present a more, uh, optimistic take on British life?

Mike Leigh (ML): Actually, I really like Loach�s idea.  Why aren�t you just doing that?

BOC: You liked that?

ML: Yeah.  I think it�s honest.  I mean, do we want to lie to the world about what life is really like in post-imperial, post-Thatcher Britain?  We�re in a state of irrevocable decline and we have the social anomie to prove it.  If you won�t go with Loach�s treatment, then here�s an idea: the 2011 riots.  Just set off a riot inside the stadium.  Or better yet, a bunch of CCTV monitors, set up in the center of the stadium, and showing the audience how they�re being spied on as they watch the ceremony.  And then you can play the Beatles� �A Day in the Life� in the background.  How about that?

BOC: Thank you, Mr. Leigh, we�ll be in contact.

Roger Waters

BOC: Mr. Waters, we appreciate your interest, but actually, we�re looking for filmmakers�

Roger Waters (RW): No, no, wait, but you haven�t heard my idea.  It�s brilliant.  It�s spectacular.  It will put Zhang Yimou to shame.

BOC: Ok, what is it?

RW: The Wall.

BOC: The Wall?

RW: Yeah, you know, The Wall, the combination album, movie, and stage show, The Wall!

BOC: Yes, Mr. Rogers, we know what The Wall is but, um, what does that have to do with the Olympics?

RW: Well, the Olympics are a global event, aren�t they?  And I can�t think of a work of art from the past fifty years that better captures the global zeitgeist than The Wall.  I performed it in Berlin, I performed it in Israel, and now I can perform it right here, in front of the whole fucking world!  And hell, it doesn�t have to be all Wall stuff.  I mean, we�ll bring out the flying pig, of course.  Trust me, I know how to do big shows.  And we can have a real-live children�s choir for �Another Brick in the Wall.�

BOC: Don�t you always do that?

RW: Well, uh, yeah, I mean, but this�ll be like, on an international scale!

BOC: Thank you, Mr. Waters, we�ll be in touch.

Danny Boyle

BOC (amongst themselves): �Dear God, we�re fucked.� �Well this is a right bloody mess.� �Bollocks!� �What should we do? Should we just write a billion dollar check to J. K. Rowling and Harry Potter the shit out of this thing?� �Or maybe we could hire Zhang Yimou?� �But he�s not British!� �Yeah, but he knows how to do an opening ceremony! And did you see Hero? Did you see that shit with the arrows? That was just so fucking cool.� �Well, do we have any other directors to audition?� �Just one, but I don�t have high hopes for him.� �Who is it?� �Danny Boyle.� �Ah. What�s his CV?� �Well, he did a movie about British drugs addicts.  And he did a movie about zombies overrunning post-apocalyptic London.  And then he did a sequel to that.  Then he made a movie about Indian slum-dwellers.  And then he made a movie about James Franco having to slice his arm off.� �Meh, sounds like a slightly more international Loach.� �Well, before we call up Rowling, let�s at least try him.�

Danny Boyle (DB): I have a proposal!

BOC: Alright, Mr. Boyle, let�s hear it? What�s it about? Drug addicts? Poor people? Post-imperial decline?

DB (somewhat shocked): What? No, of course not.  No, what I have in mind is a celebration of Great Britain!

BOC (growing excited): We�re listening!

DB: My vision is of a little microcosm of the UK, set up in the stadium!  It will be all green and village-y, and each section will represent one of the constituent nations of the UK.  And we�ll have peasants playing games and tossing apples back and forth to each other, and we�ll have real live farm animals, to celebrate our agrarian roots!

BOC: Will there be sheep?

DB: You�d better believe there�ll be sheep! And we�ll have some of the greatest living Britons there as well, like Daniel Craig and Kenneth Branagh, and Branagh will read some of that Shakespeare stuff he�s always going on about.

BOC: Oh yes, we must include Shakespeare.  We must remind the world that Shakespeare was British.

DB: And we�ll even have Sir Paul McCartney play some Beatles songs!

BOC: Ooh, he was great that time he did the Super Bowl!

DB: And, for my coup de grace, we�ll bring in fake clouds to hover over our little micro-Britain.  You know, because it�s always so gray and rainy here!

BOC (many voices talking at once): �Brilliant!� �I love it!� �I�m sold!� �This�ll blow Beijing right out of the water!�

DB: Oh, and we�ll invite Kate Middleton, and we�ll make sure the camera pans over to her from time to time.  She seems to be rather popular.

BOC: Mr. Boyle, you�re hired!

And that�s how I imagine Danny Boyle got hired to do what he did for the opening ceremony.  If this blog still exists in 2014, I�ll try to do a similar post for the Winter Games in Sochi, Russia, which I have no doubt will go really well, what with their presence in Putin�s authoritarian neo-Soviet Union and their geographical proximity to the Ossetia, Chechnya, Ingushetia, and Daghestan.

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