Amuro Namie MV -Ballerina/Streaming

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New songs from Amuro, "Neonlight Lipstick" and "Ballerina", were scheduled to be release on Chuka-Uta on October 2nd and October 9th respectively. However, both songs were leaked online ahead of their scheduled release dates. (Be the first to listen to it here!)

"Neonlight Lipstick" was first previewed to audiences through Amuro'scommercial with "KOSE ESPRIQUE" over the summer. "Ballerina" was used as the theme song for the singer's collaboration with Gucci and Vogue Japanduring the fashion event "FASHION'S NIGHT OUT 2013" on September 7th.

While both singles will be available digitally, no announcement has been made regarding a physical release for either song. (10/19/2013: "Ballerina" is tentatively scheduled to go on sale 10/23/2013).

Having released her latest album "FEEL" only a few months ago, Amuro is currently busy tour through Japan on her "FEEL tour 2013". With her latest shows in Niigata coming to a close, the tour is currently halfway over. In addition, the singer is also currently being feature in print and video advertisements for "UNTITLED", further increasing her exposure across the country.

Amuro has reinvented herself in recent years, producing a sound more akin to the American market than the Japanese one. Her unique penchant for electropop has set her apart from her earlier work as well as the work of her contemporaries. "Click" on the link to ENJOY her AWESOME "new" music style!

Click to ENJOY!

Ready for more: This one is in English, titled: Heaven <<click to watch

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