Mahjong Battle Royale EN Subtitled/Streaming

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Four women are forced to play mahjong in a secret dungeon to pay off their gambling debts. The game is being broadcast live to a select audience, we're told by the highly energetic and ever-smiling host, Mc-Kato (Hiroaki Kawatsure. At the end of each round, the losers must settle their wagers by stripping off their garments/costumes. Once they're naked, Mc-Kato or his dementedly cheery co-host Ranran, dressed in a maid costume; and will inflict further punishment. If a player has nothing left to lose, she is dealt with a lethal penalty. The last woman standing wins $10 million. Which girl will win the mega-bucks... watch it to find out!

Rating 18+ This film is unrated, but may only be viewed by persons 18 years of age or older. By streaming/viewing, you are agreeing to our MATURE AUDIENCES AGREEMENT.

Part 01
Part 02

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