Metal Samurai/Streaming

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Toei film studio of Kyoto, has made a legitimate, yet funny, comical, and sexy, jidaigeki called Metal Samurai. Set in the Edo Era, the Metal Samurai Uses 48 heavy metal moves to finish off the enemy. Metal Samurai fights Obugyo and Echigoya in every episode. This movie is absurd! Yet it is a very authentic jidaigeki. There are 13 episodes in all (about 25 minutes per episode).

Synopsis: Gary Jay Coffman/Matsudaira Desunoshin is a ronin who has a crush on Yoko Mitsuya/Omitsu, a young girl working at a diner called �Otafuku�. With his detective friend, Heihachi, he frequents the diner, but Omitsu remains totally unaware of his feelings. Omitsu despites his wild looks and second, because of a language barrier. Desunoshin is pitiful, but he becomes a hero, the Metal Samurai when he is needed. Omitsu is in danger of being violated by Obugyo and Echigoya, but shijuhatte, the 48 heavy metal moves, saves her in the end. Omitsu fancies the Metal Samurai, but doesn�t know who he really is. (like a "modern" ABAREMBO SHOGUN in a funny/crazy way).

Gravure music video shoot of Yoko <<Click to ENJOY! Performed by Jennifer Paige "Crush"

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