Request for Support

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Greetings all,

I wanted to "Thank" you all for your continued support of our website. I wanted to share with you my thoughts and appreciation. We have been working  very hard on updating the website for the past three months (July 2013 - present).

I had a discussion with a close personal friend about how our J-addicts website is coming along. Our sponsors have been putting a lot of pressure on me. They keep telling us that our count is still low. I have been informing them, we are working hard daily (10 to 15 hours a day, and no days off) to bring up the visitor count, and popularity by offering a larger variety of dramas, movies, and selected "short" English translated clips. They want the website "count" and Facebook "likes" to go up, or they are threatening to pullout their sponsorship.

My friend said to share my thoughts and feeling with you all, because that's what a "blog" is about and for expression of thoughts. So I have decided to ask you all for your support.

I have been a hotelier for over 15 years at three major branded hotels. I have worked 10 to 16 hours a day, and at times without days off. I have neglected "quality" time spent with my family; and my children are 13 years old. This website job "IS" my opportunity to be able to spend more quality time with my family once it's full running to 100 percent capacity/ability.

In July I decided to quit my hotel job to spend more "quality" time with my family. I asked for sponsorship and showed our "J-addicts" website plan and direction/goals with our sponsors. They agreed to provide financial assistance, given by a certain time they see results.

I'm only asking for your help and support. I haven't asked for any money or "membership" fee to view our website. I'm requesting that "any one" who returned to our site (more than 3 times) in the past, to just "like" us on Facebook and inform of our site to 5 friends; so I can show "numbers" to our sponsors. So they will continue to support us, or the true reality would be. We will not be able to continue "FREE" services or worst scenario would be forced to bring down the site.

I'm sorry I have to ask for your support in this manor, but this work really means a lot to me and my family. I hope our efforts provide valued entertainment to you? What keeps me going with passion for this site, is the traffic from all over the world!

Thank you and "Domo Arigatou" from the bottom of my heart!

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