Tokyo Family/Streaming

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Synopsis: An old married couple Shukichi Hirayama (Isao Hashizume) and Tomiko ( Kazuko Yoshiyuki) live on a small island in the Inland Sea. They go to Tokyo. The couple have 3 children. The eldest son Koichi (Masahiko Nishimura) runs a hospital. The first daughter Shigeko (Tomoko Nakajima) runs a beauty salon. The second son Shuji (Satoshi Tsumabuki) works in stage art. The families ask the parents to take a rest in Tokyo, but the parents do not like staying in Tokyo. One day, Tomiko visits Shuji's apartment. There, Tomiko is introduced to Shuji's fianc� Noriko (Yu Aoi), but Tomiko collapses at Koichi's house ...

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