Kaseifu no Mita Special/Streaming

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2011 J-drama 45 min Special series. The story revolves around a family who is grieving over their mother's recent death (suicide). They hired Mita/Nanako Matsushima as their housekeeper to upkeep the house. She will do anything that her employer orders her to do, except smiling or revealing her past personal info. This series was broadcasted October 12 to December 21, 2011, as part of Nippon Television's Tears Wednesday time slot, which airs every Wednesday from 10pm to 10:54pm. On average, Kaseifu no Mita garnered a viewership rating of 25.2%. Its last episode garnered a viewership rating of over 40% when it was aired, making it the highest watched show of 2011 in Japan (The last TBS drama breaking 40% viewing was "Beautiful Life" in 2000). Kaseifu no Mita had won several awards, including the "Best Drama" award, at the 71st Television Drama Academy Awards.

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