Koi Bumi Biyori *E-girls/Streaming

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A Perfect Day for Love Letters (???? Koibumi Biyori) is a Japanese manga short story series written and illustrated by George Asakura. Each story depicts a relationship that revolves around the use of love letters. The stories were originally published by Kodansha in the shojo (aimed at teenage girls). A Perfect Day for Love Letters received the Kodansha Manga Award for shojo manga. It will also be adapted into a J-drama to air on 2014.01.06 (info from Wikipedia)

The 10 girls from E-girls will play a lead character in KOIBUMI BIYORI are Shizuka, Kaede, Karen Fujii, Anna Suda, Shuka Fujii, Nozomi Bando, Harumi Sato, Kyoka Takeda, Anna Ishii & Nonoka Yamaguchi. Each episode will tell a unique story set at the same high school and involving love letters. It's a "GIRL" version of the HIT pop drama "49 -Forty nine".

Episode 01
Episode 02
Episode 03
Episode 04
Episode 05
Episode 06
Episode 07
Episode 08

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