Nezumi, Edo o Hashiru *Hideaki Takizawa/Streaming

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In the late Edo period, corruption in the government has been growing rampant while the samurai and townspeople in the city of Edo are discontent; during the reign of the eleventh shogun Tokugawa Ienari. Jirokichi/Hideaki Takizawa, a sake dealer, lives in a tenement housing area with most of the common people. He sells sake at night from a stall, but no one has seen has ever seen him. He is always sleeping or spending all his time at the soba shop. However, there is another side to Jirokichi. He is the masterful thief Nezumi Kozo who sneaks into the estates of wealthy samurai, and steals boxes of 1,000 ryo coins. He gives the money away freely to the poor common people. Jirokichi lives together with his cute younger sister Kosode/Shiori Kutsuna who is astonishingly talented.

Episode 01
Episode 02
Episode 03
Episode 04
Episode 05

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