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The five-member band SHARK wants to change the world with their music, and dreams of making their major debut. They struggle but take small steps forward on what is certainly not an easy path. Their sights are set even if it might feel hopeless sometimes, but because of their fellow members they will not give up. SHARK is on the verge of debuting, however, tragedy fall upon them when the vocalist dies in an accident.

Part 01
Part 02
Part 03
Part 04
Part 05
Part 06
Part 07

Hirano Sho as Kurata Mizuki ~ Yamashita Rio as Komatsu Ichika ~ Hamada Takahiro as Hagihara Kai ~ Matsumura Hokuto as Ryuzaki Ayumu ~ Fujii Ryusei as Kitagawa Kazuki ~ Iwamoto Hikaru as Satomi Kenzo ~ Kamiyama Tomohiro as Adachi Teppei ~ Kawaei Rina (????) as Konno Kaede ~ Mano Erina as Okawa Miku ~ Ujiki Tsuyoshi ~ Okada Kohki as Yoshimura Takahiro

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