Shitsuren Chocolatier *Jun Matsumoto/Streaming

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Sota Koyurugi/Jun Matsumoto studied baking at an institute. His family runs a bakery and his Father/Naoto Takenaka has high hope of him taking over the family run business. In high school, he fell in love with beautiful Saeko/Satomi Ishihara, when he was 14 years old. Saeko tells Sota that she can't meet him on Valentine's Day, but can meet him on the day before Valentine's Day. Sota presents Saeko hand-made chocolates, but she doesn't accept them. Sota is heartbroken, but he doesn't give up hope. He travels to France with little money, and studies the making of chocolate; because she really loves chocolates. Five years later, Sota becomes a first-class Chocolatier and returns back home to Japan.

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