Team Batista 4 'Raden Meikyu'/Streaming

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 The story revolves around the opening of the International Ai (Autopsy Imaging) Center and the introduction of a new MRI machine called �Leviathan�. Taguchi/Atsushi Ito and Shiratori/Toru Nakamura, become involved in major reforms to the death investigation system of the country and localities when a letter arrives threatening the destruction of Tojo University Hospital and Kerberos Tower in 3 months. Before the pair are able to uncover the truth, an unprecedented rash of suspicious deaths occur which can�t be explained through autopsy. On the day of the Ai Center�s opening, further incidents rock the medical community. (First Aired: Jan 07, 2014 -No EN Subs).

Team Batista 4- Raden Meikyu-Atsushi Ito.jpg Team Batista 4- Raden Meikyu-Toru Nakamura.jpg Team Batista 4- Raden Meikyu-Toshiro Yanagiba.jpg Team Batista 4- Raden Meikyu-Akiko Aitsuki.jpg Team Batista 4- Raden Meikyu-Miki Mizuno.jpg
Atsushi Ito Toru Nakamura Toshiro Yanagiba Akiko Aitsuki Miki Mizuno
Kohei Taguchi Keisuke Shiratori Iwao Sakuranomiya Hanao Sakuranomiya Sayuri Sakuranomiya

Episode 01
Episode 02
Episode 03
Episode 04
Episode 05
Episode 06
Episode 07

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