Yogisha X no Kenshin *Galileo EN Sub/Streaming

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Synopsis: The body of a male has been discovered, strangled to death, his face pulverized beyond recognition and fingers burned to a crisp. Assigned to the case are local precinct detective, Kaoru Utsumi, and her Ex colleague from headquarters, Shunpei Kusanagi. It turns out that the neighbor of the victim's Ex wife is a college alumnus of brilliant physicist, Manabu Yukawa/Masaharu Fukuyama, aka "Detective Galileo". When Yukawa is brought onto help with the case by Utsumi, he begins to suspect that this genus with whom Yukawa shares a bond of friendship as an intellectual equal is somehow connected to the murder. Elaborated bluffs, false testimonials, loopholes in logic, and all begins to appear in Detective Galileo's way as if intentionally placed as a challenge by someone with mathematical brilliance. "Suspect X" is based on a novel series by Keigo Higashino, winner of the 134th Naoki Prize. The movie's script is a compilation of Higashino's famous "Detective Galileo" series.

Part 01
Part 02

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