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You'll have to excuse me for taking space from what's usually present in W-cinema to write this, but I really thank God for giving me the chance of joining Aaron's band of outsiders. So here I am again, just spreading the word about this little book made by 79 people from places as diverse as Brazil and Ireland, but everyone sharing Aaron's dream: spreading the love for horror films and monster movies. 5 months later, there are now several reviews that you can check on it, and of course, more info is given on Aaron's very own website. Here's some of the praise the book has received in the past months:
"Bringing a refreshingly egalitarian approach to the subject, Horror 101 collects musings on our favorite chillers not by the expected assortment of critics and filmmakers, but the audience... the fans themselves. Young and old, male and female, located all over the globe. From Alien through The Wicker Man, each entry brings a breath of fresh air to the consideration of seminal movies many of us thought had been analyzed to death. As editor Aaron Christensen puts it, "Keep America strong! Watch more monster movies!"
-- Joe Dante, director, The Howling, Piranha, Gremlins
"A great read for both veterans and those new to the horror genre�Highly recommended!!"
--Aaron Crowell, HorrorHound Magazine
"A brilliant collection� Passionate fans like these don�t come around too often. Do you remember [the] fun you had remembering the time you first watched your favorite horror film? These people do."
--Tony DeFrancisco, Full Review here...
"Overall though Horror 101 is a fantastic read even if you've already seen every movie in the book. It's an interesting look at film by people who enjoy movies first and writing about them second."
--Ed Demko, Bloodtype Online. Full Review here...
It's not much, but hopefully, it'll be only the beginning. Now, after this bit of shameless selfpromotion, it's time to get back to what W-Cinema is really about...
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