Jang Nara Apprehensive of Big Screen Roles

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Singer/actress Jang Nara, who made a comeback after a six-year break, says she is scared of taking a new movie role because her appearance in the 2003 movie "Oh Happy Day" was a fiasco.

Attending the production meeting for the movie "Heaven And Sea" on October 7 at 63 City, Jang said her worries had been chased away by her new role, which she liked very much. In "Heaven And Sea" Jang plays a 24-year-old woman with Savant Syndrome who, despite her mental retardation, has a special talent.

"I did my best to act and talk like a six-year-old. It was easy for me to focus on my character thanks to the help of my coworkers," said Jang.

The actress lost much weight in order to portray a feeble woman. "I gained weight before the shoot but after I read the script, which said that my character collapsed and had nose bleeds, I realized I was too big for the role. So I shed some weight but the promotional materials exaggerated my weight loss a bit. Some people posted messages saying that it was nothing compared to actor Kim Myung-min," said Jang.

"Heaven And Sea" was produced by a company that is headed by Jang's father. Jang said she never again wanted to appear in a movie produced by her father. "My father was going to invest only in the inisital stage of the movie production but he ended up taking charge of the entire production process. I couldn't sleep when I learned that there was not enough money. My father began sending me to China so that I could earn money by appearing in TV commercials and holding concerts. I invested all my earnings in the movie. I came back from China this morning after holding yet another event there. If I have to go through this again, I'll probably die," complained Jang.

"Heaven And Sea" is about the friendship among Ha-neul (played by Jang), who has lost her parents, Bada (played by Juny), who is at odds with her stepmother, and Jin-gu (played by Yoo A-in), who works as a pizza delivery guy. It was directed by Oh Dal-kyun, whose previous work "Maeumi" was about young brothers and sisters and their dog.

"When I was studying film in the U.S., I saw grandfathers bring their grandchildren to the theater. I wanted to make a movie that would draw grandfathers and their grandchildren. I hope people will like this movie," said Oh.

source: KBS Global

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