Sung Yu-ri Makes Big-Screen Debut

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Sung Yu-ri has talked about the difficulties she had making her career transition from a member of girl group FINKL to acting. "I was hurt a lot because I had to endure harsh criticism of my acting," she said at a press conference for her film debut "Rabbit and Lizard" on Monday.

"I have wanted to be in a film for such a long time, but there was so much pressure. I was overwhelmed and scared by the idea of my face filling up a huge screen and my acting being revealed everywhere."

Sung started out as a member of then-hot girl group FINKL in 1998; her acting debut came in 2002 in TV soap "Bad Girls." "For an actor or actress who used to be a singer, not being afraid of the camera can be a strength," she says. "But the more popular you were as a singer, the more pressure you get, and the harsher the criticism will be. So you become very vulnerable and can get hurt easily. That was the case for me. You have to overcome adversity well, taking criticism as expression of attention from fans."

"Rabbit and Lizard" is the story of a Korean-American adoptee who comes back to Seoul to find her biological mother and memories of the past. It was officially invited to the "Korean Cinema Today -- Panorama" section of the 14th Pusan International Film Festival kicking off on Thursday. It goes on general release on Oct. 22.

source: Chosun

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