Honey Trap *Yukie Nakama/Streaming

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EXILE's AKIRA & Nakama Yukie to star in FujiTV autumn 2013 drama "Honey Trap"
EXILE member AKIRA and Nakama Yukie will be teaming up as husband and wife in the upcoming FujiTV autumn 2013 drama "Honey Trap" which begins its run from October. (Nakama is known for "Top" J-dramas: Kaseifu no Mita, Trick, Utsukushii Rinjin, Tempest, and so forth). The drama is a suspense story featuring AKIRA as an elite salaryman Miyama Yuichi who is on the rise in a trading company and involved in a new business that the company is going to undertake. However, information about the new business is leaked and Miyama is suspected of being the traitor thus gets suspended from work as a result. In order to restore his reputation and affluent life, he will try to find out who was responsible for plight. Nakama will play the role of Miyama Natsumi who tries to support her husband through this tough period.

Co-stars include Takashima Masanobu who plays the director of an international trademarks agency and is bent on investigating if Miyama was the company traitor, Ikeuchi Hiroyuki and Uchiyama Rina who play Takashima's subordinates as well as Ozawa Yukiyoshi who is a headhunter from a rival company.
Episode 01
Episode 02
Episode 03
Episode 04
Episode 05
Episode 06
Episode 07
Episode 08
Episode 09
Episode 10 Final

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