DT Gotsuee Kanji*RARE*Kura-pee Loves Ryoko EN Sub/Streaming

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This "short clip" is one of my personal favorites. I'm not sure if anyone has subbed it. I took liberty in subtitling it because I think YOU and Ryoko did a really AWESOME job. Kurano was okay, but still funny if you haven't seen it. (I subbed it in a "more" modern language version, in case it had been done by someone else. I did it this way so you can enjoy the clip even further!)
Thank you for those who informed this clip being subbed by someone else. (As I mentioned above, I subbed it in a paradox way, in my "exaggerated" version to give it some "punch"!) I believe no "two subbing works" are the same. I hope you enjoy this one too. Also I put it out for the "newbies" to Downtown Gaki no Tsukai, who haven't seen it yet...
(EXPLICIT LANGUAGE may not be suitable for YOUNG/VIRGIN ears!)

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