Kenkoba *Bakobako TV/Streaming

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Kendo Kobayashi's "Bakobako TV" for the mature audiance who seek information on Japan's night life about 45 mins each episode. (Kobayashi's video's are "VERY" hard to find). He has guest from AV models to Fashion models to the fast paced Race queens. They review "Different" types of hotel & "Love Hotels". (no EN subs) IF you enjoy his series, check back; I'll try to update as I gather them.

2014.01.24 (AV Model Bikini Contest/Posted 2/04/2014)
2014.01.17 (Posted 1/26/2014)
2014.01.03 (Posted 1/27/2014)
2013.11.29 (Most popular episode/Posted 1/26/2014)

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