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(All STAR Cast) The Narrator (Yamadera) explains Gan Takada (aka Yatterman #1, Sho Sakurai/ARASHI) and his girlfriend, Ai Kaminari (aka Yatterman #2, Sakai Fukuda), live a double life as crime-fighting heroes. They are based under Takada Toys, founded by Gan's father. Gan built Toybotty and Yatterwoof, the latter an abandoned plan from his father. The girl they found in the ruins was Shoko Kaieda (Anri Okamoto), daughter of Dr. Kaieda (Sadao Abe), an archaeologist. The piece of blue stone Shoko carries is a part of the Skull Stone, a legendary object now split into four pieces. Dr Kaieda, who is on a quest to find them, is attacked in the forest of Narway by Skullobey, a black-clad being with an oversized skull.
Part 01
Part 02